To PLAY - A Vital Tool That Many Have Dismissed and Forgotten #applied spirituality #business success concepts #family success tips #happiness tips #mental health tips #successful living tips Aug 02, 2023



Another easy concept to acknowledge, remember, and dismiss.

Did I just write dismiss?


Why did I write dismiss?

Because everyone understands the word ‘play’ but how many of us really do it? 

Hold on, hold on.

Let’s define play.

The online dictionary has it...

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Climb The Mountain #growth mindset #happiness tips #healthy family habits #learning mindset #mental health tips #personal growth #success mindset #success tips Jun 26, 2023

This short little video (sorry for the duplicate beginning/opening) is about "Climbing The Mountain."

No, I'm not talking about actually climbing a mountain although that would create its own adventure though, wouldn't it?

I'm talking about GROWING.

I'm talking about taking a path that moves us...

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Climb The Mountain #anger management tips #applied spirituality #happiness tips #health psychology #mental health tips #religious tips #spirituality in life #tolerance for others Jun 08, 2023

Climb the Mountain?

Really, Ray? 

I'm not a Mountain Climber! 

Yes, you are... It's not the kind of mountain you may be thinking about!

It's a journey of discovery, growth, non-judgment, acceptance, tolerance, and yes, celebration.

Oftentimes we make a choice in our life and go a...

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Connecting To Source - Your Winning Ticket #christian business #christian happiness #christian tips #family happiness #happiness tips #metaphysicalmindset #spiritual tips #transpersonal tips Apr 17, 2023

Hey Everyone!

Connecting to SOURCE is something that I am not sure if many people really think much about. 

What is Source?

For me, Source is where I and EVERYTHING come from. Yes, I am talking about a Divine Creator.

How do we as humans find meaning and purpose in our life? 

I think...

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Being a Baby is A Good Thing? You bet! #growth mindset tips #happiness tips #healthy living #learning how to live #mental health tips #parenting tips #success tips Apr 10, 2023

Before you click off and decided to not read much this sentence, I would ask for your patience and give it fifteen seconds of reading! If that doesn’t keep through the end of the short, little post, go ahead and click off! :-)
But, babies are fascinating in so many ways that apply to us as...

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Building Your Team #happiness tips #leadership tips #strategies to succeed in life and business #success tips #successful business #successful business practices Apr 03, 2023

Hey Everyone!

This post is about building a team. In the short video, while I say it is not just necessarily for a sport or even at work, building a team is about EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN OUR LIVES.

We tend to gravitate toward our language, personality, attitudes, and habits of those people we...

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