Join us on ourĀ Journey!
We are a faith-based non-profit family foundation that is dedicated to the growth and evolution of humanity in all ways.
We are STRONG believers in the 1st two commandments "Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Do You Hear The Call Of Your Own Soul?
Welcome Home
Meet our Founder, Dr. Ray Faulkenberry, and learn more about the Call Of The Soul's mission to transform the world through business, education, and family.
Join the CommunityOur Target Areas

We enhance businesses by helping to train and building a collaborative, creative, and connected team - one person at a time, motivated by the timeless wisdom of Jesus Christ.

We believe that education starts and ends with connection and a deep love of life that honors the Divine in all of us. Add creativity, engagement, humor, and inspiration and you've hit the jackpot.

Family, by our definition, begins with a profound love of God. We focus on building strong families that are committed to living a faith-based life rooted in serving.
What Is The Call Of The Soul and Why Is It Needed?
How Do We Evolve As Human Beings?
Why Get Involved?
New Releases

A Comprehensive Course that is about The Forgotten Secrets Of Business.
This is for those people who dream of either developing or working in a business that reaches its full potential - in all ways.
Special Introductory Price:

If you've ever felt the need to be engaged, inspired, and entertained while in school.

Don't be one of those people who retire and think that life is downhill from there.
It is just the beginning as life is only just getting started!
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