Flash Anger is NEVER the Answer

#anger management tips #anger issues #road rage tips #dealing with anger Sep 07, 2022

Flash Anger is not something that we want to have to happen in our lives although probably ALL OF US HAVE EXPERIENCED IT.

Yes, you... Ever get really irritated if someone cuts you off in traffic?  ;-)

Anger Management is a very common issue and a lot of the time we need something QUICK to think of to intercept that moment right before we explode with anger. Here's a great little tip and the science to back it up that will help us deal with 'flash anger' or road rage!

Our PRIMAL BRAIN - the part of our brain that developed first, was tied to survival, and back then, we may have had to make an instantaneous decision to act to save our life.

When someone cuts us off in traffic or irritates us in some other way if we can think MUSIC and give it that one simple 'beat,' we can allow the primal brain to be bypassed and quickly moves to our neo-cortex (advanced brain) and it can allow us to respond versus react.

Think about it and give it a try! 

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