You see, a classroom is a very special place where a teacher has the opportunity to essentially CHANGE THE WORLD by making a HUGE impact on those students they are charged with DEVELOPING.

What does the 'PERFECT' Teacher look like?
Before you read ANOTHER 'how-to' book, I'd rather you entertain a good story with GREAT principles about teaching inside.
- EVERY teacher wants to inspire their students. Rebecca McIntyre is no different but she's starting to feel burned out - like she's on a hamster wheel.
- She meets a MYSTERIOUS stranger who sets her on a series of 'Field Trips' that challenges Rebecca into looking deep into her evolution as a teacher.
- Rebecca discovers through her adventures deep lessons, not only about teaching but life as well.
As a TEACHER and STUDENT myself, I realize the value of being ENTERTAINED and INSPIRED. It is that inspiration that fuels me to become a better teacher.

I'M Ray Faulkenberry
For most of my professional life, I have been a teacher of some type. Unfortunately, I have had many experiences when I was a student where engagement, excitement, and inspiration created by the teacher just wasn't there.
I currently teach college here in the San Francisco Bay Area and while I don't know if you are looking for entertainment, engagement, insight, or inspiration, this book, I believe provides all of the above.
Plus, it's an amazing value at just $15.00

You see, EVERY student is looking for some type of help.
However, ALL STUDENTS are looking for a meaningful experience in the classroom.
Unfortunately, teachers aren't trained to give that. It's funny in that 99.9% of all college teachers don't have ANY type of teaching credential.
I got a teaching credential from a major university and while we learned about lesson planning, grading, rubrics, and classroom management, we received ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, NOTHING at all in regards to how do your reach a student's heart. How to inspire them? Not a word.
How do you connect and make the experience fun and memorable?
I believe that many who read this book will get a lot more than just a good story as the principles within are applicable in the classroom, but more importly, far beyond it as well.

If you're a teacher, you will love this heartfelt story of ONE teacher's struggle to find the passion, tools, and mindset to truly affect the minds and hearts of her students.